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Interview questions and answers

Interview questions and answers

Interview questions and answers

There comes a moment in almost everyone’s life when they have to face an interview.  Let’s be honest, we hate them! If there is someone who loves to go to job interviews please let me know and I will hire him as a long-term interviewee. For the rest of us, who hate interviews we hate them because it gives us that ugly feeling of not knowing how to prepare, what to expect, whether you’ll embarrass yourself or not and whether you’ll pass the interview or not.

Interview questions and answers

We can change that feeling before an interview by preparing for it. The best way to prepare for an interview is to know what kind of possible questions you will be asked and how to answer them.  The better your answer will be the better chances for you to pass the interview.

First, we will talk about the most common interview questions.

There are many types of questions you will be asked: questions about you, questions about your previous jobs, questions about the job you are applying for, and questions about your future plans.


Interview questions and answers

Examples of common interview questions and answers:

Example 1) usually, the first question is: “Tell me something about you”. Being the first interview question, it’s a very important one, and the rest of the interview questions will depend on this first question.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question so you can answer freely but be clear and use you best words.  

In the answer you should mention who you are, what is your education, what are your main qualities or skills, what are your achievements so far, and what future plans you have. You don’t need to brag, but you should be able to “sell yourself”.


Example 2) “tells me more about your previous work place, what did you like and disliked”.

This is a tricky interview question because if you will talk negatively of your old job chances are that you will do the same next time. So, what should you say? You should talk nice about your old job and say that the reason you left is not that you didn’t like it, but because you needed a change and a new place where you can grow.

Example of a good interview answer for this question is: I liked my previous job; I had a good relationship with my colleagues and with my bosses. There was good internal organization and the employees were disciplined. I loved working there for my first years and as a beginner I learned a lot. The reason I left there is not that I didn’t like it, but because I needed a change. I am not a beginner anymore and I want to grow professionally and not only. At my previous job I have reached a level from where I could not grow anymore. I need a place where I can use all my skills and improve them.


Example 3) Tell us about the hardest situation you had to face and how did you handle it

You have to remember a hard situation which ended well for you and to explain the way you handled it.

Example of a possible interview answer: one of the toughest situations I had to face was when my boss was on holiday and he appointed me in charge during his holiday. We had a break in and high value technological equipment was stolen.  My boss was unreachable, so I had to make all the decisions. I helped the police with the investigation, I had a meeting with all employees and I calmed them down. I knew I had to do everything so the activity continues. I went and talked and helped department separately so they would continue working. In one week, the police solved the case and the equipment was recovered.  In the end, I looked at it as an opportunity.

job interview


Example 4) Tell me some of your weaknesses

This is another tricky interview question. The interviewer doesn’t care much about your weaknesses but he is interested in what you are doing to get rid of them.

Example of a good interview answer to this interview question: I believe my greatest weakness is that I am not organized enough but I am doing everything I can to change that and I am very decided to change. I started a sport because in sport you need to be organized, I organize everything I can and I follow a plan that a known writer wrote in order to become more organized.


Example 5) why do you want to work for us and why should we hire you?

This is another interview question the interviewers love to ask.

A good answer would be: I did much research before applying for this job and I reached the conclusion that this is the best fit for me and this is the job where I will fully use my skills and have maximum output. I want to work with you also because this is growing company and I am sure that in the future will be in top of the list. My experience as an assistant manager and my qualifications make me the right choice for your company.


Example 6) what are your payment requirements?

 You will need to be reasonable about the salary. Do not ask too much or too little. You have to be realistic.

You do not bring the subject of salary unless you are asked.

One last interview question that is usually asked at the end of the interview is: Do you have any questions for us?

Being the last questions it is extremely important you have a well prepared answer so that the last impression will be great. You need to research the company and find out as much as you can about it.

Example of an interview answers for that question:  

  • Where do you see your company in 5 years from now?
  • What should a new employee do in order to reach higher levels?


There are many more interview questions and many interview answer examples. I chose the most common ones with the wish that it will help you guys in achieving the job you dreamed.


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