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Creating Professional Text in illustrator

Using your text tool, write your title, and using the Font menu, customise the size and style.

Right click on the text, and select "Create Outlines"


Open the gradient window, and use the settings below. Select "linear" from the dropdown menu, type in 90 degrees for your angle, and click on the colour icons on each side of your gradient preview to change the gradient colour to a light brown - dark brown progression.

Click on the Pen tool, and change the colour mode to “none"

Make similar selection as shown above using the Pen tool.
Use Shift to select both the text and the new pen path. Open the pathfinder menu and click on the divide icon to break the gradient into two parts.

Right click on the text, and select "ungroup."

Hold Shift and choose the upper portion of each letter of the title.

Click on the "merge" icon in the pathfinder window to group the pieces together.

Copy your selection using Ctrl+C and then Paste it Ctrl+V. Change the gradient to a black and white linear gradient, and position your copied selection in line with the text below it.

Open the Transparency window and change the layer mode to "screen."


Source :-
