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Inline CSS

Inline css

Css can be implemented on the html code in many ways , you can use the external style sheet or many ways , today we are going to use the inline css .

Inline css


There are a lot of benefits of using the inline css , it’s the highest css priority  ,  that means if you used a code in an external style sheet that changes the H1 tag to the red color for example and you used the inline css to change to a blue color , What will appear is the blue one , so you can use it in special situations .

In this tutorial about the inline css , we will make 2 H1 tags , and we will use this technique in one of them , let’s start :


1-      This is the code which we will start from :-


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Inline CSS</title>


                        H1 {

            color: #F00;








<h1>This is without inline css</h1>


<h1>This is with inline css</h1>






As you can see , we have defined the H1 tag to be a red color , and when you add any h1 tag , it will be red !! , but imagine if you want to make H1 tag with another color such as blue for example , without changing the color of the previous H1s , Here we will use what is called “ Inline css “


2- Now we want to change the phrase “This is with inline css “ to the blue color , without changing the other phrase , so instead of

<h1>This is with inline css</h1>


 it will be

<h1 style="color: #33F;">This is with inline css</h1>



And the result :

And this is what we call , Inline CSS

you can use it on anything , not only on colors !


important tip : when you use this technique , don't forget to put these marks ""



Author : Ibrahim Kettaneh