Build a house


 Build a house





In this subject (Topic) I will try to explain  construction steps in my country , sure it will include different styles or ideas than the ones usedin other countries so I will put my experience here and I will be happy to listen to your opinions and ideas in your country.


Top seven Popular Civil Engineering Softwares


Civil Engineering Software


There are a variety of software programs which are available for the different specialized disciplines of Civil Engineering. Most civil engineers practice in specialized subsets of civil engineering, such as geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering, project and construction management and land surveying.


7 bidder evaluation criteria

7 bidder evaluation criteria

Because the construction bid evaluation is limited to price and other price-related factors only, the decision procedure of bidder evaluation criteria is much more simpler than other competitive procurement measures relating  more complicated evaluating factors.

History of project management

History of project management

Project management has been practiced since early civilization. Until 1900 civil engineering projects were generally managed by creative architects and engineers themselves, among those for example Christopher Wren (1632–1723) , Thomas Telford (1757-1834) and Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806–1859) It has been since the 1950s, that organizations started applying systemic project management tools and techniques to complex projects.

PMP – Project Management Professional

PMP – Project Management Professional 

A project management professional (PMP) is a highly-regarded career designation certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The project management professional designation ensures standardized methodologies for all persons with the PMP designation in all parts of the world. A certified project management professional is crucial in the selection, development, execution, and completion of business projects in many different industries

Employee relations employment requirements


Employee relations employment requirements

This role will be responsible for:

ITIL Change Management

ITIL Change management

 ITIL change management

2.ITIL Change management glossaries
3. Change management processes – activities
4.  Change manager role

IT Project manager

IT Project manager

IT Project manager

In today’s fast-paced, knowledge-based business world, it’s not uncommon to see project managers juggling as many as 10 IT projects simultaneously—with all types of complexities, durations, and sizes. Often, project managers handling multiple projects are simply overloaded or frustrated, and some wish for better days. But how successful are you when you face the juggling act? For starters, success in managing multiple IT projects (i.e., program management) requires that you look at three key strategies:

CCNP Security vs CCSP


CCNP Security vs CCSP

Leadership Skills Test


What is Leadership Skills Test


Leadership skills test is a test that tests the individual on his/her leadership skills. There are many skills that a leader needs to possess along with the right qualifications and knowledge. All these skills are required in the leader so that he/she does justice to the job. The leader needs to be well versed with the leadership principles. All the people who apply for the position are assessed on all the parameters of a good leader and the best amongst them is chosen for the job. The following is the leadership skills list, based on which the individuals are assessed


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