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Behavioral interview questions and answers

Behavioral interview questions and answers

Let’s say that in the next few days you have a job interview. Like every normal person would do, you prepare for the interview. You do a lot of research on the company you will have the interview with and you read internet articles about how to do well on a job interview.  That’s great, at least until you stand in front of your interviewer and he or she is asking you to remember a concrete situation from your past and describe how you managed it. This is not what you expected; you weren’t ready for this, what is this?

Well, this is the new type of interview companies are using: behavioral interview

Companies want to see if you have the skills for the job, so they will give certain situations to see if you would act as they want you to.

Behavioral interview: Questions and answers

How can you prepare for a behavioral interview?

First, I want to say that if you haven’t had a job before, you won’t be able to do well on this kind of interview. Behavioral interview is based on one’s past experience. 

First thing in preparing for a behavioral interview is to try remembering any interesting situation you had at your past working places.

I will give you examples of behavioral interview questions but there are a lot of different questions they can ask you depending on what skill they want to obtain. What’s important is that you remember as much as you can from your past work.

Behavioral interview questions and answers

Examples of behavioral interview questions:

  • Describe a situation where you disagreed with your colleagues. How did you handle it?
  • Describe a situation where you disagreed with your boss. How did you handle it?
  • Describe a situation when you made a big mistake.There are all sort of questions you might be asked. It is essential that you figure out what the interviewer wants to see and to answer according to that.

Usually, you won’t find out that the interview you are attending is a behavioral interview until you already started the interview. This means that you have to be ready both for classic interview and behavioral interview.

Another step in preparing for a behavioral interview is to carefully read the job description. You might figure out what skills the employer seeks by analyzing the job description and requirements.

If the interviewer asks you a question you don’t know what to answer ask him for clarification and during this time you can think of a possible answer and you can try to remember a past situation you’ve been through. If still you can’t answer, do not make up a story so you would have an answer because you will get caught. The right thing to do when you don’t have an answer is to be honest and say that you didn’t have any situation like the one asked but if that would happen you would do so and so. This “so and so” should be what the interviewer wants to hear.

Job interview

In conclusion, the most important things you need to do in order to prepare for a behavioral interview are: remembering as many past situations as you can in your previous jobs, figure out what skills the employer is looking for, and to be able to honestly answer a question you do not have an answer to.


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