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How to set Samsung drive "Jumper" to Master, Slave or Cable Select?

How to set Samsung drive "Jumper" to Master, Slave or Cable Select?


1. Upper 32GB (capacity ≥32GB)
Because some BIOS has 32GB capacity barrier, Jumper setting is different.

There are two cases.

  • Having no 32GB capacity barrier ; General.
  • Having the 32GB capacity barrier.


If you set the jumper with the capacity limitation upper 32GB, the system recognizes the capacity as 32GB whatever the HDD’s capacity.

If your system has the 32GB barrier, you can solve it with using the DiskManager.

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

2. Under 32GB (capacity < 32GB)
Same as below but the jumper is located in between Power and Data connectors.

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

CSEL is the cable select. It’s only used by a system which supporting the cable selecting function with the exclusive cable. The jumper connector is located on the PCBA. ST is only used in the manufacture.

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

CSEL is the cable select. It’s only used by a system which supporting the cable selecting function with the exclusive cable. DXX and DCF are used only in the manufacture.

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

BI is only used in the manufacture.

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

DXX and DCF are used only in the manufacture.

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

7. SHD-3121A1, SHD-3122A1, SHD-3171A, SHD-3172A, SHD-3171A1, SHD-3172A1
SHD-3211A, SHD-3212A, SHD-50560A, SHD-30420A, SHD-30280A, SHD-30140A

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

8. SHD-3121A, SHD-3122A

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

9. SHD-3161A, SHD-3162A, SHD-3101A
STS and ECC are used only in the manufacture.

Samsung Hard Drive Jumper Setting

source: hddoctor
