Hello all :)
today our lesson about making baby instrument
here we go
[2]-Convert the cylinder into the editable poly now select the polygons
[3]-Apply the extrude polygons with the amount of 3.1
[4]-Again make the selection and appy the extrude polygons with the amount of -82.017
[5]-Your object should like this
[6]-Create cylinder with the following size and place like me
[7]-Open the rendering palette and use the following setting
Now create line like me
[8]-Create sphere with the following setting and place like this as shown below
[9]-Apply the turbo smooth modifier with the amount of 3.0
[10]-Make the materials like this and assign the like this as shown below
[11]-Now you are done it enjoy the final output as shown below
Source : http://www.tutorialized.com/