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Ea Logo Tutorial using adobe photoshop

Lets start by creating a new document.

  Next Select the shape tool

  Then Create a new Layer

  Draw the shape

  Apply the layer styles.

  Now duplicate the layer.

  Move Layer 1 copy below Layer 1.


  Now open the layer style for Layer 1 Copy and just change only the stroke effect and keep the gradient overlay   effect as it is.                                            Colour code: 000000

  Now create a new layer below layer 1 copy and select the eclipse tool.

  And draw a circle inside the ring.

  Use the layer styles given below.

  1. Gradient overlay

  Colour codes       171717  Location = 0%                  555454   Location  =  100%

  2. Stroke: 


  Colour codes =    7f7e7e   Location 0%, 151515   Location 50%, ffffff    Location 100%.

  Now create a new layer below layer 2 and select the brush tool of size 108px and hardness 100%.

  Then fill in the white part between the ring and inner circle using black colour (000000).

  Now open the picture below using photoshop and separate the EA and the background and drag it to        the document in which we are making our logo and make it above all the layers.

  Now use the following Layer styles.

  Then gradient overlay.

  Codes =    d9d9d9  Location 0%, ffffff     Location 100%.


  And we are finished.

  If you have any doubts or requests, please write it on guest book.



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