Hello everyone , in this post i'm going to talk about UFC Undisputed 2011 and about the expected features , and i'll make a wish-list , and i hope that you share your wish list .
Release Date : Q1 - 2012 .
Name : UFC 3 | UFC Undisputed 2011 .
consoles : X-Box 360 | PS3 .
Trailer :-
The Wish List :-
* Add more Fighters : There are alot of UFC fighters that should be added to UFC Undisputed 2011 , and they mustn't make the "Over-Powered Fighter".
* To be able to replay any time : Everyone who plays UFC Undisputed , wishes if he can replay instantly .
* Correcting the submissions system : In previous versions , submissions can be done easily , just select a good fighter at submissions , and you will absolutely win .
* Improving the online : Alot of people face a little bit of lag , i wish they improve their systems .
* Better Graphics : Everyone likes better graphics , i hope that they improve it.
* More Bloody Fights : We don't see a lot of blood comes out of fighters .
* Improving the gameplay : If they can make it more enthusiastic , it will be awesome .
* Better Carrer mode : Like Fight Night , i really wish if they can make it similar.
So this is my wish list in UFC Undisputed 2011 , and i hope if you can share yours .